Thread: Last night I was invited to dinner in the Hamptons. I have never been more humiliated, disrespected and dehumanized in my life.
During this catered dinner politics and the current state of New York City started to be discussed. It turned into a debate filled with racism, privilege, and NIMBY.
The friend that invited me to dinner mentioned the #BlackLivesMatter
protest and movement and called out out people’s hypocrisy in supporting it but rallying against poor marginalized people of color in shelters.

His comment changed the tone of an already uncomfortable dinner. The conversation went from subtle racism to mask off hoodie on. One of the women at dinner slammed her hand on the table and screamed “Fuck #BlackLivesMatter

Several guest told her to calm down and she refused. Her tirade continued. She made several belligerent statements but the one I remembered most was this one.
“We have been persecuted for thousands of years. We survived the Holocaust. All these n*** had to do was pick cotton!”
“We have been persecuted for thousands of years. We survived the Holocaust. All these n*** had to do was pick cotton!”
The dismissal and marginalizing of Black history was more than insulting it hurt. The fact people gasped but no one checked her after her offensive statement let me know I was in this alone.
Infuriated I started to scream back and fact check her ignorance. My Great Grandfather was drafted into WW2. He didn’t have rights in America but went to liberate someone else. He lost his family’s farm and business while deployed.
He told me the same people he was sent to liberate in Germany turned around and called him n*** once they settled in America.
She wasn’t the only one that made offensive racist statements but she was the loudest and most unhinged. The entire experience was uncomfortable and nauseating.
My friend has apologized profusely and I told him I’m not at at place where I’m able to accept it. I’m angry that he invited me to place not safe where I was forced to defend my Blackness - alone!