Here's a basic run down of every #IStandWithJKRolling poster story :

1⃣Transphobes adopt 'I ❤️ JK Rolling' as a dog-whistle for saying they agree with JKR's transphobic essay.

2⃣Put up poster of dog-whistle because poster company doesn't realise it's a dog-whistle(by design)
3⃣Poster company (or venue of poster) finds out it's full context after people make them aware.

4⃣Poster company (or venue of poster) removes poster because if they had known the full context they wouldn't have put the poster up.
5⃣Every right wing media outlet uses this non-news worthy event to 'debate' trans rights and regurgitate parts of the original essay which birthed the dog-whistle, promoting it further.

6⃣Repeat this endlessly.
7⃣Transphobes on the internet pretend it's not a dogwhistle at all even though they're literally commenting with accounts with the EXACT POSTER DESIGN in question with the exact rhetoric found in the essay and timeline dedicated to spreading anti-trans rhetoric. (very convincing)
7⃣(B) - Everyone ignores that the posters layout, typography, colour scheme etc was designed and promoted by a racist, homophobic and arguably misogynistic person with a long history of transphobia, because that really removes any doubt about the motivation behind the posters. 🤷‍♀️
7⃣(C) - A bunch of people pretend JK's essay isn't transphobic despite pushing anti-trans tropes, pseudoscience (Littman's ROGD study) and outdated (pre-DSM5) stats and demand you show the exact line in which she says she 'doesn't like trans ppl' or something equally tiresome.
ℹ️BTW, Have no doubt that the people who support these posters KNOW that the only purpose they serves is to be taken down so the press can kick out some stories about it.
ℹ️It puts folk in a difficult spot, either they leave the posters up, emboldening such dog-whistles or take them down, resulting in endless news coverage for the exact views that are being dog-whistled about. 🤷‍♀️

It's not even trans peeps choice, it's just the poster companies.
⏹️ Conclusion

The next time you see #IStandWithJKRolling trending, look at the context of why, because getting the hashtag trending, even if it's because people are dunking on it is part of the plan.

1⃣Put up poster
2⃣poster down
3⃣Get 'free press'
4⃣Get # trend
⏹️ This is just a rehash of a classic tactic we've seen adopted by alt-right groups. Put up a dog-whistle, pretend it's not a dog-whistle and if people DO successfully call it out, so what, that's just more press.

No way to play with #IStandWithJKRollin bigotry still wins.
↘️Having just read this piece on dog-whistles, it sums up everything in this thread in a more detailed and eloquent way.

I also covers the transphobic history of the 'I heart JK' poster and those involved in its popularisation.
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