Sunday thread on wildfires, farmworkers and groups to support as the climate crisis rages on. We’ve all seen the orange skies, but did you know that farmworkers are still picking grapes in this mess? Here’s video from Juan in Oregon. 1/14 
Some 3 million acres of the west coast have burned. Oregon prepares for mass migration and fatalities as the fires get closer to Portland. More than 500,000 people, 12% of the state’s population, had to flee. 2/14 #wildfires 
In Cali, farmworkers were offered “evacuation area access passes” to keep working. Because so many farmworkers are undocumented and couldn’t get access to COVID relief, they can’t pass up survival money. 3/14 #farmworkers 
For decades, farmworkers have fought overcrowded, unsafe housing. In Monterey County, more than 70% of farmworkers live in overcrowded housing; they’ve had COVID infection rates 3X that of other industries. These conditions fueled a COVID crisis. 4/14 
More tragic neglect. No one told Jairo Gomez’s family in Phoenix, OR to leave until the fires reached their mobile home. No phone alert, nothing on the news he followed. In under 5 minutes, his whole community was destroyed. 5/14 #wildfires 
California has battled massive heatwaves, long droughts, and now some of the largest fires it’s ever seen. ‘Six of the 20 largest wildfires in California history have occurred in 2020. The impacts are especially felt by people of color and undocumented #farmworkers. 6/14
But Dems must do better. Newsome approved “190 percent more oil and gas drilling in the first half of 2020 than in his first six months in office.” 48 fracking permits since April; 1,400 new oil & gas wells in 2020. 8/14

In the immigration policy debate also, we need to get real about how many people globally are losing and will lose their homes, forcing a predicted 143 million desperate folks to go to places that do not want them. 9/14

Here are groups to support on the ground @PCUNOregon and @Causa are organizing for relief and policy change in Oregon. 10/14
In Cali, @LatinoCommFdn Provides $ assistance, rehousing support, and emergency translation for Latino and immigrant families impacted by the wildfire disaster. Also @UndocuFund for undocumented people. 11/14
. @MaskOakland is getting thousands of masks out to these in need. 12/14
You can contribute to air purifiers or request one here. Tracy Corder is the Deputy Director of the Action Center on Race and Economy, who also do great work. 13/14
In Washington, support @oneamerica and @nwirp who are organizing immigrants for environmental justice and other agendas. END 14/14
You can follow @AntonioArellano.
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