Oh you want to look back on summer 2020?
Ok, let's do that.
1. 1,848 LTC Residents died from March-Today.
2. Homes remain dangerously UNDERSTAFFED.
3. Loophole allowing inter-facility agency staff movement persists BECAUSE of said understaffing. https://twitter.com/DrFullertonMPP/status/1304753450518020096
4. Dangerous facilities remain w/ improper ventilation, high-occupancy rooms, faulty windows/elevators etc.,
5. Persistent reports of neglect and abuse of residents.
6. Persistent reports of insect (e.g., cockroach) infestations.
7. Persistent reports of degraded personal care, particularly oral and incontinence care (you want to sit in a soiled diaper for HOURS until it causes OPEN SORES @DrFullertonMPP?)
8. Persistent concerns re: supply management.
9. Ongoing tensions between various levels of staff.
10. Persistent verbal altercations between residents & LTC staff leading (deemed by the military to be the result of staff burnout AND residents’ loss of trust in staff).
11. Significant resident care issues being neglected, including changes to resident’s acute + chronic medical conditions.
12. Noted concerns RE: expertise of RN managers as the majority are novice nurses.
13. The hiring of UNTRAINED/unqualified staff as a cost-saving measure.
Shall I continue @DrFullertonMPP?

Maybe you need to FOCUS ON LTC and deal with the NUMEROUS ongoing issues that continue to render our seniors in care unsafe. Just a thought, Minister.
You can follow @DrVivianS.
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