It’s not just that Democrats are held to higher standards, it’s that Republicans are held to no standards at all.

Republicans can lie, cheat and collude with foreign enemies to gain power. They can mismanage government, ruin the economy, cause death and division in the country.
And the media will always say they have a chance of winning, because their voters have no bar for qualifications.

Meanwhile Democrats are criticized by the media for not being.... perfect.

So the narrative becomes; will the Democrats perfectly nail this next test again?
On the other hand, the media allows Republicans to take credit for the economy they inherited from Democrats but then ruined, again.
Trump and the Republicans have done nothing right this whole election cycle.

They crafted a campaign strategy on only addressing their base.

They allowed Trump to get Americans killed in the pandemic instead of impeaching him when they had the chance.

They’re damn near broke.
They spent almost $1B so far, and 85% of it was for fundraising ads in red states, not in swing states pushing a re-election message.

That’s because they have no message of prosperity and success to offer.

They can’t say your life is better after Trump being in the WH.
Their convention was bathed in fear, lies and hyperbole.

They only had a strategy to run against a radical left wing socialist, which only really describes Bernie Sanders, not the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden. So they’re running a campaign against the wrong guy. Who does that?
Or who does that and is still pushed by the media as people with a favorable chance of winning?

Have Republicans in any way increased their share of voters since 2016? There’s no indication of that.

Instead people are leaving the Republican Party in droves and endorsing Biden.
The irony of the Rep wet-dream, ‘Bolshevik Bernie’, using his voice as media influencer to again ask the question;

“Will Dems be perfect?” or again face the wrath of the angry white male voter who desires only to destroy this country if not placated and coddled above all others.
Democrats have to have practical solutions for every demographic and are criticized for the level of enthusiasm,

compared to people who behave like members of a cult....
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