Having looked at charts regarding Covid-19 attributed deaths, I have now come across many charts in each countries relating to climate change deaths. This had me wondering what they actually were.
This was in August 2020 and we can only assume that the incident was due to the ice melting due to global warming. Reminiscent of the death of the doctor who identified Covid-19 and subsequently died from it.
Here we have the WHO’s predictions for the climate change deaths between 2030 and 2050 but these include deaths from malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress. The death count will simply become enormous as no longer just heat stress related. https://www.wired.com/story/coronavirus-pandemic-climate-change/
The above mentions road safety, gun control and increased alcohol intake due to warmer weather. Surely not a direct consequence and clutching at straws to push an agenda. Maybe Covid-19 is paving the way for people’s inability to understand death figures.
I find it fascinating that all the industries mentioned happened to be the ones affected by the Covid-19 restrictions. They are so good at predicting the future. 🤔.
“The panel’s leadership also took the opportunity to link the immediacy of financial-market adaption to climate change-linked headlines dominating current events even while COVID-19 hampers the economy.” From the article above. Never waste a good crisis.
The Covid-19 response is the back door to their climate change agenda. Open cities, no traffic, cycling only. The sudden registration of climate change deaths , I believe, is no accident.
They are starting to use them so they will be able to inflate them at will as they have now realised how afraid most are of deaths counts. The potential for this is enormous when we look at what they may attribute to them.
I will leave this here as this is probably the only sane article I have read on this topic. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/latest_warmist_scheme_record_climate_change_as_cause_of_death_on_death_certificates_.html
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