While I agree with some of @KeithKahnHarris's thesis about the horrors of Corbynista cultism being in a large part motivated by 'love', I find it difficult to leave it there. White supremacists, evangelical zealots, ISIS, football hooligans are also arguably motivated by love. 1/
I see the Corbynista cult's 'love' in the same way. So many horrors can be justified because the people involved believe themselves to be good people with good motivations. 2/
But then Keith dismisses the comparison with cults, because he doesn't believe Corbyn himself is an evil charlatan. This is a generous reading of a man who embraced child-killers as "brothers", "comrades" and "friends". 4/
While Keith rightly criticises the way Corbyn loyalists allowed themselves to be spellbound by the mythmaking of Corbyn as a person, his explanation for Corbyn's misdeeds being down to his naivete and dim ineptitude rather than any malice is just a different prestidigitation. 5/
Corbyn was motivated as much by hatred for Israel and Zionists as he was his love for Palestinians. It was his hatred of the US, UK and Israel that inspired him to play footsie with the Iranian regime, Chavez and the IRA. It is why he wrote letters to defend 9/11 conspiracists.6/
He went out of his way to defend convicted terrorists who bombed the Israeli embassy and a Jewish charity in London. 7/ https://twitter.com/MatzoBalling/status/1192954914638585856?s=20
He conjured the spectre of the 'Hand of Israel' when discussing terrorist attacks in the Sinai on Iranian state television. He wanted to rename Holocaust Memorial Day and is alleged to have referred to Dame Louise Ellman as the Right Honourable Member for Tel Aviv". 9/
He fielded calls on his Press TV phone-in program where callers would refer to Israel a 'disease' and the BBC as "Zionist liars" to which he responded "good point". He claimed the BBC was biased "towards Israel's right to exist". 10/
He embraced as "brother" the terrorist leader of operations to murder Jewish children with whom he shared a panel, and described the Hamas conference he spoke at as "electrifying and fascinating". 11/ https://twitter.com/adammaanit/status/1033018367232430080?s=20
He laid a wreath for the masterminds of the Munich massacre while standing next to the leader of the PFLP whose thugs would go on to murder rabbis with axes in a Jerusalem shul just four weeks later. 12/
Yes Corbyn is a dim narcissist, but after decades of being supremely comfortable hobnobbing with a who's who list of bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobes, authoritarian thugs & mass murderers it is not enough to give him a pass on the level of malice and evil he harbours. 13/
It is a measure of the thaumaturgical aura around him that even for many of his critics, people still believe that he is just a kindly old man who fell in with a bad crowd. His 'kinder, gentler' politics was an Orwellian lie. One that keeps fooling people even to this day. /ENDS
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