The government's rule of six is pointless while schools, universities and workplaces remain open. Here's why.

In theory, classrooms are being contained as 'bubbles' in schools. But these are 25+ students (!) plus teachers. They go home to their families, sharing their germs 1/13
2/13 While kids may not pass on germs to teachers coz 'height difference', not the case at home, where families will kiss, cuddle, maybe even share cutlery/glasses, etc. Even if we apply no mixing between households, lol, family members of all of these kids are still going out..
3/13 ...buying groceries, using public transport, going to work. This is why lockdown was crucial in containing the spread. With schools being open, this is statistically, scientifically, logistically impossible. Same with unis and colleges and workplaces.
4/13 You can't call something a 'bubble' if people within that bubble are interacting with other people. Bubbles are, by definition, self-contained. This is why the rule of six is senseless. The virus is already spreading en masse in education, work and public transport settings.
5/13 So government needs to STOP THAT SPREAD FIRST! Eat Out to Help Out could have led to a surge in cases because in crowded settings, the virus spreads exponentially. This is established fact. So they have to stop crowded settings, not mixing between households! But they won't.
6/13 Why not? I said back in March the PM cares more about the economy than about saving lives. We saw it w/herd immunity, delay in lockdown, pubs reopening, Eat Out to Help Out, & we see it now with further dithering at cusp of a 2nd wave. What we need...
7/13 and what we need ASAP is for the government to 1) close down all schools, colleges and unis AGAIN 2) actively ENCOURAGE people to wfh, instead of doing the opposite for fear of office block owners & Pret losing money 3) actively DISCOURAGE pub-going & eating out, but provide
8/13..economic support to small businesses. This needs to be accompanied by an extension to the furlough scheme &better benefits support for people who can't work. It should also, ideally, be alongside rent holidays so ppl don't feel pressured to return to work if they can't wfh.
10/13 It's therefore easier, coz costs nothing, for govt to scapegoat ppl & say 'Young people are being too reckless!', 'no mingling between households!' etc. Meanwhile because of easing lockdown too soon,number of CONFIRMED (not actual) cases has returned to what it was in March
11/13 This pretty much means the virus is as much a risk to public health as it was in March. All the same precautions should apply. Rule of 6 is ineffective while everything else stays normal. I will prob be keeping my kids home from school if this keeps up. One thing I do know
12/13 is that we can't rely on this govt to keep us safe. They've proven throughout the handling of this pandemic that your safety is not their priority. We have to prioritise our own safety. Support folks in your local community for whom furlough is ending or wfh isn't an option
13/13 and protect vulnerable groups including elderly, disabled and also kids. While Boris Johnson is busy pouring public money into his mates' businesses and botching Brexit, we need to look out for ourselves, and each other. The rule of six is not going to achieve that.
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