The real revolution, the evolution of the mind - A THREAD #SocialistSunday #Marxist
In my time learning about Marxism and the humanity, I've learned that if we are to change society for the better, it needs to be as peaceful as possible.
A violent revolution breeds a violent society as we saw in the change from Feudalism to Capitalism.
Whilst the likes of Bezos and Musk should get their just desserts, it needs to be in a way that shows them for the villains they truly are, not make us look like jealous freeloaders as Libs and Cons would have people believe Marxists are.
Society must radically change the core values we hold dear. Money can't be at the heart of what we do, or else we end up where we are now. Each to their abilities and each to their needs I believe Marx said. A society that isn't driven by excess and profit,
But humanity, exploration, preservation of the Earth and community. When humans work together, we advance far quicker than when we act only for the individual.
This radical shift in thought won't come through violence or oppressing those we disagree with, it'll come by educating and understanding.
As a species we're reluctant and afraid to change. It's a nature that the capitalists have exploited for their own gain for centuries.
Couple that with a society that has alienated honesty and learning from mistakes and we end up with this cold dystopia in which people project a perfect image to the Internet and act as if all is well.
We must make it okay to not be okay.
We live in one of those rare moments where humanity is ready for a huge shift in thought.
The question is, will we allow fascism and authoritarianism to take the world by storm?
Or can socialism/communism save us from ourselves this time.
The choice is ours.
Educate, don't incriminate.
Open your arms, be tolerant and educate with respect.
We are all products of the reality we're presented and people have a reason for believing what they believe.
Understand that reason, and you can conquer it.
All together now, comrades ❤️
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