Can anyone answer this in regards #SocialDistancing #TrackAndTrace
A football ground opens for socially distanced fans, only season ticket holders can enter,the club naturally has all their details (name address 📱 number) they also know the exact seat CONT...
they are sitting in AND who is sitting closest to them (plus it’s all on CCTV). Sadly Fred Blogs in Seat XXX tests positive for Covid a few days later. Track and Trace can now see exactly who was sat nearest to him & let everyone know they need to isolate/be tested. CONT.....
Plus outside the ground there are checks for high temperature before you enter the 🏟 & everyone is outdoors. How can this be more unsafe than people INSIDE pubs/cafes etc when only 1 of a group has to give contact details & accidentally may get their mobile number wrong? CONT..
It just makes no sense at all, it’s great that fans can attend lower league grounds (boy do they need the money) but how can 200 fans attend fairly small grounds but league clubs with bigger 🏟 , traceability & room for more social distancing be classed as unsafe??? Rant over 🤨
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