Some of my thoughts on how to counter the horrific psychological operation against the people of this nation and the world.
1. Turn off the mind control. Television, radio where the narrative is to frighten. Turn down/off any covid19 adverts.
2. Don't follow the rules.
2/of many. Don't wear a mask. Don't follow the arrows. Go in the out and out the in. Don't download the app. Don't give your details. Don't take a test. Live your life the way you always did. Hug granny. Smile at everyone, especially Mask wearers. Deprogramming yourself.
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3. Counter the narrative. When challenged about the mask, tell them the truth. I am doing this to save me, my family and you and your family from tyranny. Say the same to the marshall and the policeman.
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The truth. That is what is missing from the narrative. Say it nicely and politely. The threat from tyranny is far greater than from covid.
4. Unite, don't divide. In order for the government to achieve this betrayal and institute tyranny, they need to divide.
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Swallow hard. You need the left wing. The villainous Gov has labelled people fighting this as right wing conspiracy theorists. That's why the left have to remain silent. One label has silenced them all including the vital opposition parties.
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This conundrum for the left has allowed tyrannous after tyrannous law to be passed without opposition. Further, the government are soft on WOKE, BLM and diversity and hard on the right. The left are now powerless to oppose. We need to approach the left for unity.
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5. Illegal immigration and Brexit. Both are diversionary tactics. Keep the right from confronting the real issue which is the path to tyranny. Give them illegal immigration to protest about. Call them thugs, vigilantes and racist but give them Brexit. But will they?
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6. Unite the right. There is a protest by one anti lockdown group in London on the 19th. They don't want to be associated with conspiracy theorists. However, they are already labelled that. Then there's another on the 26th by a group labelled as tin foil hats.
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Unite as one and accept the goal is to end tyranny. Put aside petty differences. Support each other. Change the hate narrative.
7. The simple labelling of conspiracy theorists is stopping the press from reporting the truth. Write to the newspapers and challenge this.
10. The psyop is deep. The government needs your kids back to school and back to being programmed. They've been slowly deprogrammed at home. Make time every day with your kids to counter it. Challenge the schools.

Unity is the key and the only solution now.
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