I would like to share some thoughts & updates regarding my personal journey, my thoughts about CT and what will happen in the future with and around ‘The Trading Tramp’


Only read if you have some time to spare.
Otherwise, ignore and enjoy your Sunday :)

Read thread below.



So far, 2020 has been quite a year.

I think we can all agree on that.

Nobody would have expected anything like this where we are now.

For me, it was life changing so far in many ways.

I have always been an over-thinker & sometimes that is exhausting, for myself and/or for the people around me.

With the crash in March this year, my own compass started to recalibrate & my overthinking nature took over quite aggressively in the beginning of this pandemic.

In-between all the conspiracy theories related to COVID-19 & the 24/7 talk about it, I started to realise that quite a lot is going to change from there onwards. 

It doesn’t really matter what the true origin of this virus is, yet the outcome is and will most probably...

...be much bigger than anyone can imagine.

Socially & economically.

My journey in crypto and here on CT started back in the beginning of 2017.

For around 2-2.5 years I was just an observer behind an avatar (Crypto Specter for those who can remember).

I never posted anything and hardly commented on other's posts.

Then, after the crash this year, I started to become more active and more engaged and funnily my account started to grow slowly.

I had never the intention to actually grow this account but was just enjoying...

...the community and that I can just share my view on the market.

Well, things started to accelerate and people were actually enjoying and respecting my content and my view.

As a former filmmaker and real estate photographer, I knew that things are going to be...

...tough onwards and that I should even consider to go full-time crypto. I had some savings and therefore I felt kind of okay taking that step.

After a while, I started to notice more & more how the community on CT is very helpful and lovely, yet, also toxic and negative.

I also noticed, that the most toxic behaviour came from accounts without their real face/identity at stake.

After some talk with a good friend who is quite big on CT, I decided to drop the mask & become fully transparent.

I am not saying that all the avatars are toxic...

...but the majority of toxicity comes from hidden characters in this space.

In order to not affiliate with such behaviour anymore, Crypto Specter had to go.

It was the right step to take for me, I realised that quickly.

Shortly after, 'The Trading Tramp' was born and the website/blog was launched too.

I created it because I wanted to share my thoughts in a different way with no character limitation ( I just realised that this is going to be quite a thread lol).

Writing is something I enjoy a lot, yet my personal life and struggles with myself kept me from being consistent with it.

It's all just managing time correctly and that was never something I would give myself awards for.

The thing is, opportunities popped in and...

...I started to realise that time management is actually something I real need to focus on if I want to grow as a person and also as an individual in this crazy space I really love and enjoy.

The time between March & August was my most productive period after all, yet...

...one thing came with it. The sacrifice of my personal life and socialising in general. Obviously, the whole social distancing did not really help in that case either.

The Spanish government had one of the most aggressive and harsh measures in Europe to fight COVID &...

...that was a tough time.

Therefore, after they re-opened the borders, I booked a flight to Berlin in order to meet a friend & spend some re-socialising time there.

He is also in the blockchain space which lead to some new topics & opportunities.

I went on to Budapest..

...afterwards to meet my other friends (former roommates) and get my stuff out of the country before they would close things for good.

Now, back in Spain, I know that there are going to be some challenging times ahead again.

Winter is coming soon and things are...

...really bad here in Mallorca where I live currently.

75-80% unemployment and nothing will change that any time soon since this place is depended on tourism which got killed almost fully due to the pandemic.

Part of my family is here as well and I can see...

...how the whole situation drained them too.

Now, why on earth am I even telling you all of this?

Well, I believe it is important to realise how lucky we all are in this crypto environment and that during this time of so much suffering and uncertainty...

...appreciation and gratefulness is needed.

For me, this means that I will be focusing on more than just TA from here on.

It seems that there will be a bigger project which I most likely will become part of and actually will work on to help it grow in this space.

No, that doesn't mean that I will be shilling the hell out of it, yet, it is a project I believe deserves way more attention and has actually fundamentally something to offer which is needed and not just a cash grab aka a hype such as yield farming and DeFi.

I am all about making money and helping people to do the same, nevertheless, for my own personal satisfaction, I need and want a bit more than just sharing my own TA views.

That being said, TA is still one of my favourite things to do and the reason why I am part of...

@CryptoMichNL's trading team of his trading group.

My lack of time management and some personal concerns has lead to the lack of engagement/activity in his team as a moderator.

He reached out to me months ago and asked me if I want to join the group because...

...he liked my content.

He is probably one of the most hardworking people I know in this space and I want to thank you Mich for being such a down to earth and cool dude, with whom I can exchange way more than just TA at the end of the day.

And yes, his trading group is next level. I have seen quite a few other groups in the past and honestly don't understand how some of them are actually still around.

Anyway, to get to an end, I wanna say, I love this space and I appreciate the opportunities...

...which can come with it.

The next weeks will be a new chapter for me & in order to make the most out of it personally and as a CT individual, certain lifestyle changes have to come with it as well.

Thanks for reading & following me during these crazy times 🙏🏻
You can follow @TheTradingTramp.
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