Some of you might remember how the media worked hard to push the idea of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria", a theory now widely discredited on methodological grounds and published in one of the least reputable online 'academic' journals...
The original paper, to which the above article uncritically refers, has had its methodological flaws criticised and its validity discredited by @Dr_ArjeeRestar and @ButNotTheCity amongst others. Well last week I had a fully triple-blind peer-reviewed paper published... a very reputable journal, @JLGBTYouth. It is based on empirical research which demonstrates that "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" (ROGD) is just a myth and does not represent the reality of #trans children and young people's lives. Unlike the paper that proposed ROGD... research was based on data obtained directly from young #trans people themselves rather than indirectly from others. The evidence from the data used in this study completely contradicts the ROGD narrative uncritically reported in the media;
...In particular ethical issues were paramount in this study, and amongst those the issue of epistemological violence, a problem affecting too much "research" about #trans people, was regarded as vital;
The data shows very clearly that young trans people usually go through two periods of what I term "Deferral";

1. "Tacit Deferral" where they know they are somehow different but do not have the language to express why, where they experience dysphoria but...
...don't have the language like " #trans", "transsexual' or "transgender" to understand why.

2. Discursive Deferral" is the second period where they acquire this language but need to find out more and become aware that, for some, coming out to parents is likely to be dangerous...
...During the Discursive Deferral stage young #trans people usually spend time online learning about what it means to be trans and how they themselves might identify.

This period was rarely less than several months and often lasted years like the Tacit Deferral period...
The study makes a number of recommendations but chief among them is this, that any guidance materials for schools, teachers and other professionals should "robustly challenge the myth of ROGD" if it is to be regarded as in any way valid...
...Ultimately the paper concludes by challenging the "passive victim" narrative put about by transphobic hate groups and the media. #Trans kids are in no way passive, they are highly active agents in the construction of their lives. They need to be;
...In particular I would like to thank professor @CarriePaechter for her advice in producing this paper.
BTW there is a copy of this paper on my Academia page; 
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