Making a thread on why Carrot joining the crew giving her way more reason than Yamato.
First of all let's establish her role: lookout. You are probably confusing this role with maybe Usopp but his main role is Marksmen/Sniper even though he does lookout. He also tinkers with Nami's climatic & tinkers with Franky and by himself. He fishes for Sanji (w/ Luffy & Chop-
But we all know he's the best and reliable). Carrot since she has been introduced has been a lookout for the strawhats and loves it so much. The best part about her in this role is that it fits her dream of wanting to simply just see the world (a very early one piece vibe)
She could take some load off Usopp easily. She also has the amazing attribute of jumping extremely high. She showed on Zou she could scout things out after jumping at impressive heights.
Objectively she fits the role we have that is not solidified kind of like helmsman before Jinbei joined and she has a dream so she checks out.
I already know plenty of people don't like her or are indifferent about her. But you could argue Nami, Robin, Franky, and Brook were in similar positions till they joined and got there chance to shine.
All in all I think she would be a cool addition to the crew after looking at what she has to offer
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