‘Scissors thrown at the stage..’

Tailors made London a world capital of style; fashionable aristocrats depended on them

Why did they also insult them- & why did tailors ‘riot’ in 1805?
PLUS: what are the 9 tailors?

All will be revealed @BBCRadioLondon @robertelms 11.30 MONDAY
In this cartoon tailors are ‘making the man’- the Prince of Wales is nothing without them.

The tailors of fashion icon Beau Brummel were celebrated as ‘artistes’ & famous in their own right.

But people mocked them as doing ‘women’s work’. Racism & anti semitism were in the mix
Even the way they sat was mocked- but sitting cross legged on a board was practical- relatively comfortable, allowed movement, & kept material off the floor.

Look how long it lasted- LOVE these images of a tailors’ workshop, 19C, and Saville Row 1940s, below
Tailors were often migrant workers but despite varied nationalities,united & fought together for better pay & conditions.

The aristocracy resented being dependant on talented ‘commoners’ who didn’t KNOW THEIR PLACE!

It all kicked off in 1805..
Join me & @RobertElms Monday
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