Throughout the course of history we have been warned. We are on the precipice.

1984 warned us (the book)
President Eisenhower warned us
President Kennedy warned us
President Reagan warned us
Now Donald Trump is warning us.

Do not let these warnings go unheard on our watch.
You see what's going on in America today. But that's really a facade to deflect the American mind off the forces that really operate globally to change the landscape of government worldwide. Do not be deceived. Those forces are behind the chaos.
We just happened to be the central focus at this point history because we are the only ones that are strong enough to stop it.
I know I'm not providing too many details here. But yes it is a conspiracy. And not a theory. Adding to my list at the top the Bible warned us.
Ephesians 6
And when this particular battle is fought on November 4th...if won.. don't count on a long celebration. Because the battle continues. The enemy will not relent. You can Bank on it.
Those of you that have suffered through to the end of this thread . First thank you . Second I'm going to share some personal things about me but only you get to read. I don't share them too often. But I voted for Hillary Clinton. Big mistake. But it changed my life. After that
I saw basically the whole world turn against Donald Trump. And I knew at that moment that this battle was more than just against the guy who clawed and scratched and demeaned people to get to where he was. He had to. He had to because...
The forces he was fighting necessitated that. I believe he's the only man on the face of the planet that could have won that election. And I knew it must have been for a reason. They didn't turn against him because he was a rough guy. That he had a past.
No this was much deeper and much more concerning to me. After much research and soul searching I turned to support Donald Trump and I've never looked back. It's changed my life. My whole life. #MAGA
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