Ok, there is something that is keeping me up at night and it’s the situation around the (Vegas) Wedding theme. Let’s start at the beginning..
28/7/13.. “Anyone of us can go to Vegas an be like “sack this, I’m doing it””..that look between H and L..is it because they think “yeah, we’re gonna do this” or “yeah.. except us” because same sex marriage only became legal in Vegas at the end of 2014
Now let’s make a time jump.. September 5th 2015.. RBB and SBB..
The book is Invitation to a Royal Wedding. Both cover photos were engagement photos. Charles and Diana were commonly referred to as The Royal Couple. This is also used within the Larry fandom to refer to Lou and H
So what are they trying to tell us? That they have plans? It’s RBB and SBBs last appearance at the US leg of OTRA tour. Their last show is in Foxborough on September 12th.. after that show they have a 2 week break until their UK leg starts in London at September 24th
September 13th.. Lou is in Las Vegas.. talking to a couple. He mentoins that the couple need to get married in Vegas. He tells them to go for it.. make a great night..
So it was their 2 week break and Lou was in Vegas.. Where was H? MIA again? We know he attended Fashion Week in London on September 21st.. till then I can’t trace him..
The first appearance of the bears again after September 5th is on September 24th.. their first show after the 2 week break. The bears in wedding clothes and look at the hat of SBB.. keep this one in mind, you’re gonna need it later..
The picture is Larry Grayson.. this man is well known for the phrase “Oh what a gay day!”.. the picture is also signed with Love, Larry.. so, why the bears in wedding clothes on September 24th? If they wanted to feed the theories then they would do this on September 28th right?
Maybe they want to tell us what happened in the 2 week break? I researched if it’s possible to get married under the radar in Vegas. You can get married without getting a marriage license in Vegas. Completely anonymous..
Time jump again.. Just hold on MV released on March 8th 2017.. A couple who gets married in Vegas. Look at the hat of the guy.. his long hair.. his green jacket.. the girls blue jacket.. her cap.. SBB was wearing the same hat..
The speculations are that SBB is H.. look at the handwriting..
So.. is it possible that they get married in Vegas? Well i would say everything is possible. The timing is interesting as well.. right after the baby announcement and when you look at everything around SBB/RBB you can state that they probably were in legal battles in Sept/Oct ‘15
It was a shitty time.. this could have been their way of saying “look at us..you can try to bring us down but nothing or no one can ever come between us” .. even if it was just an unofficial wedding in Vegas.. it could give off a message.. conclusion: enough to think about 🧐🧐
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