“Seeing justice truly done” is an interesting soundbite.

Is it, as this incoherent, sub-sixth-form essay rant suggests, only about locking more people up for longer?

Or does “justice truly done” mean a little more?

[THREAD] https://twitter.com/bbcnews/status/1304894436002934788
Justice truly done means making courts that are still open fit for human use. Basics such as running water, working lifts, non-leaking roofs, heating & functioning toilets don’t exist in many courts, left to rot by ministers who don’t have to visit them. https://www.ft.com/content/88b5f33e-ece0-11e8-89c8-d36339d835c0
Justice truly done means funding digital forensic investigation units so that it does not take over 12 months to examine a mobile phone, which causes enormous delays before files can even be sent to the Crown Prosecution Service for a charging decision. https://www.policeprofessional.com/news/forensic-delays-deeply-concerning-as-case-backlog-grows/
Justice truly done means reversing the c£1bn cut to prisons that has resulted in dangerous understaffing & overcrowding, a collapse in training and education, record violence and self-harm, rampant drug abuse, infestation and “not a single establishment safe to hold children.”
Justice truly done means addressing the problems that followed the government’s closure of the Forensic Science Service in 2012, which led to private providers and police laboratories failing to meet basic standards, jeopardising criminal investigations. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38527830
Justice truly done means comprehensively reviewing the magistrates’ court system, which hands unqualified volunteers the power to send the rest of us to prison for up to a year, in conditions of sausage factory justice.
Justice truly done means reversing the cuts to youth services (up to 91% in some local authorities) which the All Party Parliamentary Group on Knife Crime suggested are linked to the increase in knife crime. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-48176397
Justice truly done requires honesty about where the problems in criminal justice lie.

It means not treating the public like fools by pretending that criminal justice is nothing more than longer prison sentences.

Justice is so much more.

Don’t let them lie to you.

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