So the worst and most devastating former PMs of our time have criticised the Internal Market Bill. 'Ever so slightly creepy' Blair, 'Can you be any more boring' Major and 'You tried to destroy us but couldn't' May.
A whos who of former MPs who were anti the republic and have done all they can to cancel Brexit and take away our voice and vote.
So no big surprise that they are suddenly so angry about something that will finally get us over the line and give us control over our own destiny.
No word from Cameron yet? He is torn, he used similar plans in his own time and wanted to create a British Bill Of Rights which superseded Human Rights, he is a friend (somehow after all he's said about him) with Boris and he knows that this is all his fault.
No still no word from Dave. The PMs Zoom meeting has helped to focus a number of the detractors and fence-sitters, but the numbers willing to spit in the face of Leave voters and those who want the best for the UK are still well into double figures.
At last count, there were around 18 confirmed, and there are a couple of possible amendments that will get some support.
The votes will be just as exciting as the drama of late last year, minus Bercow, so at least we have a level playing field on which amendments will be accepted.
What is clear is that the EU are very concerned. They can not force our hand and can not control what happens next.
They fear a WTO exit and desperately want to unleash their fury; apparently, Macron is preparing to unbite his tongue and let us have 'it'.
Meanwhile, there have been conversations between individual countries and the U.K. These have been conversations of support and understanding, friends who have offered us a pat on the back in agreement.
Many assumed that we would roll over, most knew we were bigger and better than that.
Merkel knew what was coming when she said this in October:
"With the departure of Great Britain, a potential competitor will, of course, emerge for us. That is to say, in addition to China and the United States of America, there will be Great Britain as well."
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
They don't like it up em, and they really hate it against em, and our axe is sharp and ready to start chopping.
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