Thread: Cursory glance shows a certain blindness to reality among some of the more right leaning media outlets regarding news Boris Johnson is considering opt outs from the Human Rights Act (HRA) and effectively refusing to adhere to European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). 1/
Leaving the EU means we cannot allow ourselves to be bound by its.......oh, sorry, ECHR isn't EU is it? Has anyone mentioned that to some politicians and pundits btw? As so many have said before we may be leaving the EU. We aren't leaving Europe. Geography is tough like that. 2/
But, it's all fine isn't it? I mean who cares about the human rights of asylum seekers if it means we can deport them more easily? Aside from it having very little effect on that at all as already covered by law, and, crucially, you need another state to agree to take people. 3/
Oh well, at least we can ensure that our brave service personnel can, with tacit government authorisation, get away with quite literal murder, because nothing helps win hearts and minds in a conflict than the populace knowing you consider yourself above the law. 4/
Sarcasm aside this is a serious matter. The HRA and ECHR protect everyone. You may disagree with some decisions, the phrase "tough" springs immediately to mind. This isn't about just people you don't like, not that it should be anyway. It is about absolutely everyone 5/
First off, by supporting removal of human rights from selected groups based on where they are from, manner of entry, race, religion etc, you open a door which is incredibly hard to close again. You also say to the world that you believe some people are worth less than others. 6/
What many praising this idea miss is it isn't the "People I don't like Act". It's the "Human Rights Act". By removing protections you are saying that some people can lose their right to be considered human beings. That road's been travelled down before and it never ends well. 7/
Whatever prejudices you hold, whatever jingoistic nationalistic idea you subscribe to that British soldiers could never commit crimes, you had better be bloody certain that no government you disagree with could ever be elected in the future. 8/
The ECHR was drafted immediately after WWII, long before the EU came into being. It was designed to help prevent the horrors of the previous years happening again. It meant governments were obligated to respect all people's rights and can be held accountable for their actions. 9/
When governments see human rights as obstacles to achieving their ends, they demonstrate why human rights need protecting. Because you might be happy to see asylum seekers removed, but what happens with the next government and the next. How confident are you for your rights? 10/
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