👉THREAD👈 How do you design a Low Traffic Neighbourhood? At ground level, it might look like random roads have been closed to cars – especially when you come across one unexpectedly! But there's nothing random about it
Step 1 is to identify the main routes being used as cut-throughs. Complaints from concerned residents can tell you which routes have too much non-local traffic, but a bit of analysis is needed to find out where it's all coming from and going to (2/11)
In Hackney Downs, drivers were using Brooke, Evering, Rendlesham and Kenninghall Roads to cut across the area. Lea Bridge Road pulled in traffic from Walthamstow, Chingford and beyond, and the roundabout funnelled it into our neighbourhood (3/11)
The diagonal filter where Evering Rd meets Brooke Rd is designed to close two main East-West routes in one go. Meanwhile, the bus gate on Downs Road closes off the southwest corner of the area (4/11)
Now you've closed off the main through routes. But, traffic will find a way round. So step 2 is to anticipate where you're pushing traffic to, and close those roads too
Hence the additional closures at Benthal, Maury, Reighton, Narford and Powell Roads. The goal is to make the area 'watertight', so no routes from one side to the other are left open – while of course making sure you can still drive to every property (6/11)
This map shows how it works. Whichever coloured zone of the map you live in, you can get to your home by driving via the arrows of the same colour. But you can't cross from one coloured zone to another – and neither can through traffic (7/11)
Finally, step 3 is to decide on the right type of filter to use in each location. Because this is a trial, wooden or steel planter boxes are the best temporary solution to stop motor traffic. They look nice, especially when they're filled with plants! (8/11)
It's vital that emergency services can get through the filters, so they are always consulted on the scheme. In some places, a bollard that can be removed with a special key carried by emergency vehicle drivers is used
In more critical locations, or where a bus needs to pass (e.g. the 488 on Downs Rd) a vehicle-sized gap is left between planters. But they're monitored with automatic number-plate recognition cameras, to deter unauthorised vehicles with a fine (10/11)
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