I'm getting many messages asking for more context. If you want to see what happens when Critical Race Theory is brought into schools, watch the Channel 4 documentary I mention in the article.
This thread offers a typical example of the concerns of parents. In this case, from a school in Richmond. https://twitter.com/fragrantfeline/status/1277957807065542659?s=20
Note the clear emphasis on CRT in the resources.
Here, a headteacher cautions against these new trends. https://twitter.com/Miss_Snuffy/status/1277700242566193156?s=20
Best-selling children’s literature is now overtly politicised. For example, “Antiracist Baby”...
Multiple links here to school resources underpinned by Critical Race Theory: https://equaliteach.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Anti-Racism-Resources.pdf
The Chartered College of Teaching has openly endorsed Critical Race Theory and has distributed resources to schools across the UK. https://twitter.com/CharteredColl/status/1292466933330214914?s=20
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