1/n: Shri Rama is described as Maryada Purushottama.
But what are these qualities that attract people to him so?
Listen to some of his qualities in the form of shlokas, taken from the Valmiki Ramayana itself, which show his gunās.
Ikshvākuvamshaprabhavō Ramō nāma Janaihi Shrutaha|
Niyatātmā Mahāvīryo Dhyutimān Dhrutimān Vashī||
In the dynasty of Ikshvalku, there is one known by the name of Rama.
He has full control of mind and senses, is powerful, radiant and resolute. He is one of the bravest.
Buddhimān Nītimān Vāgmi Shrimān Shatrunrbarhanaha|
Vipulāmsō Mahābāhuhu Kambugrivō Mahāhanuhu.
He is intelligent, sagacious, eloquent and exterminates his enemies.
He has broad shoulders, powerful arms, conch-shaped neck and a chin which is stout.
Dharmajnaha Satyasandhashcha Prajānām Cha Hitē rataha|
Yashasvī Jnānasampannaha Shuchirvashyaha Samādhimān||
He knows the secret of virtue, is true to his word and intent on good of people. He is illustrious,wise, pure in dealings, and has self-control and high concentration.
Rakshitā Svasya Dharmasya Svajanyasya Cha Rakshitā|
Vēdavēdāngatatvajnō Dhanurvēdē cha Nishtitaha||
He protects the Dharma of his own and those of his people.
He is a scholer of the Vedas and their sciences. He is proficient in Dhanurveda(archery) too.
Sarvashāstrārtha Tatvajnaha Smrutivān Pratibhānavān|
Sarvalōkapriyaha Sādhuradīnātmā Vichakshanaha||
He knows real meaning of all Shastras, has a sharp memory and quick wit. He is loved in all the worlds(Sarvalokapriyaha) and is pious, principled and shrewd.
Sarvadābhigataha Sādbhihi Samudra iva Sindhubhihi|
Aryaha SarvaSamashraiva Sadaiva Priyadarshanaha||
He is sought by those virtuous, like the ocean is sought by Sindhu.
He is noble(Arya), loved by all and is always pleasing to look at.
Dhanadēna Samastyāgo Satyē Dharma Ivāparaha|
Tamevam Gunasampannam Ramam Satyaparākramam||
He is like Kubera(Dhanadhen) when doing charity to others and in terms of truthfulness, is like Yama(who is also god of piety). He has excellent virtues and is very brave.
Prajāsukhatvē Chandrasya Vasudhāyāha Kshamāgunaihi|
Buddhyā Bruhaspatēstulyō Vīryō Sākhshācchachīpatēhe||
He is like the moon in delighting all beings, and like the earth in forbearance. He is like Brihaspati in wisdom and similar to Indra(Shachipati) in valor.
Mriduscha Sthirachitascha Sadā Bhavyōnasūyakaha|
Priyavādī cha Bhūtanām Satyavādī cha Raghavaha||
He is gentle and stable in mind, always gracious.
He is Raghava(scion of Raghu) who speaks the truth and speaks kindly to all.
Devāsuramanushyānaam Sarvāstrēshu Vishāradaha|
Samyagvidhyāvratasnāthō Yathāvat Sāngavedavit||
He is skilled in all astras used by Devas, Asuras and humans.
He has learnt all Vedas and six branches of science corresponding to it's study.
The six sciences referred here are Shiksha(phonetics), Vyakarana(grammar), Chandas(rhythm), Nirukta(etymology), Jyotisa(astronomy) and Kalpa(rituals).
Yada Vrajati Sangrāmam Grāmartha Nagarasya va|
Gatvā soumitrisahitō Nāvijitya Nivartate||
Whenever with his brother Lakshmana, he sets out on an expedition, he never returns without being victorious. When returning to Ayodhya thereafter, he is seated on an elephant
or chariot, enquiring lovingly about his citizens' well-being.
Pourān Svajanavannityam Kushalam Pariprucchati|
Putrēshvagnishu Dārōshu Preshyashishya Ganeshu cha||
He always lovingly inquires of his cirizens about their welfare concerning children, spouses, etc as of his own kindred or as a father would inquire of his children.
Smitapūrvābhibhashī cha Dharma Sarvātmanā Shritaha|
Samyagyōktā Shreyasām cha na Vigruhyam Kathāruchihi||
He begins talking with a smile and embraces Dharma with all his being. He accompishes beneficient deeds and only likes civilized arguments.
Does not enjoy arguments carried out in a controversial spirit.
Ramō Lokābhirāmoyam Shouryavīryaparākramaihi|
Prajāpālanasamyukto na Rāgōpahatēndriyaha||
Shri Rama delights the world with his intrepidity, valour and might. His mind is never blinded by passion, although he remains engaged in protecting the people.
Ramō Vigrahavān Dharmaha Sādhuhu Satyaparākramaha|
Raja Sarvasya Lokasya Dēvānāmiva Vāsavaha||
Rama is an incarnation of Dharma, pious and of unfailing prowess. As Indra is the ruler of the Devas, he(Rama) is the ruler of humanity.
These are a few qualities of the one known as Shri Rama.
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