"Political lesbianism" that emerged in 2nd wave of feminism, embraces women to be a lesbian. It claims that every woman who lives/f**ks a man contributes to oppression of her sisters.The catchphrase "Feminism is theory, lesbianism is the practice" denotes their idea. 1/5
This hinders the movement of liberation from the shackles of male supremacy.Every women engaging in penetration fortifies the class power and mastery of man.Seperatist feminism is it's extreme form that preaches to establish no direct contact with man & promotes female-female 2/5
relationship.This approach basically creates a rift between 2genders and makes the women feel like a "victim" claiming sexuality to be one's choice.
A feminist named "Errin pizzy" who setup the 1st women's refuge later turned to male-right activist when she discovered 3/5
that feminism was a "lie" and came to conclude that domestic violence was result of reciprocity. She later faced death threats and defamation campaigns for changing her viewpoint.She called Trashing a vicious form of character assassination which amounts to psychological rape.4/5
Despite humanitarian works, Mother Teresa faced criticisism by feminists like Germanie Greer for her unwavering anti-abortion stance.
There're many instances where sane set to women emancipators have faced backlash by hardcore pseudo /radical feminists who lack basic ethics 5/5
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