I absolutely admire Arvind's restraint in his statements on Prashant Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav and Anna. He is prodded, even instigated so often, to return in the manner he has received it from them, but AK has never fallen for the bait. Look a PB, YY and Anna, though. 🤦🏼‍♂️
Yes, all of them we companions on a journey and then parted ways. But, whats with the hatred? AAP was propped up on the plank of No Corruption and Good Governance. Despite intense scrutiny there haven't been scams (that have come to light), so that's the first criteria ticked.
AAP's governance on most issues ( that it controls) which matter has been exemplary. I absolutely don't care for Bhakts' opinions on this. I lived in Delhi, I know. This model is praised world over for its Education and Health sector transformation. Home delivery of services
is another transforming idea. Ofcourse all's not perfect, and there will always be lacunae. But the good part is that most of these guys take feedback, and improve. Which is all one can expect from their leaders. So, with all this in mind, I ask again. What's the hatred for?
I've heard YY say on TV more than one occasion that AAP is Arvind and Arvind is AAP. I reluctantly agree, disregarding the coverage that Atishi,Manish Sisodia, Satyender Jain and Raghav Chaddha get, Arvind is AAP's most recognised face. But then isn't YY Swaraj Abhiyan's Arvind?
Isn't he it's most recognised leader? If not, why don't other members of the outfit get sent to address the Media? Or is there no one to replace to irreplaceable YY? The arguments put forth by these two are mind boggling. As for Anna, the less I say the better he is.
Every 5 years or so, he wakes up, remembers Arvind has made a party out of the protest movement, and that he absolutely must be castigated for doing so. For the rest of 5 years, there's no oversight of either the State or Central Govt's actions. And then a repeat 5 yrs later.
If it's petty ego, then PB should learn a lesson from AAP. supporters who continue to support him in all his endeavours , because they realise he isn't the enemy. I wish he himself were that understanding, and dare I say, magnanimous.
2011 protests were a movement to claim back the Right of citizens to demand accountability from Govt. It wasn't entirely successful for we still have a Govt at Centre that's not accountable to anyone. But it birthed an outfit that fulfills that criteria partially.
My understanding of politics is patchy. But from whatever I've learnt, in supporting AAP, I've bet my money on the right horse. Nothing I see today makes me think otherwise, Whatsapp and Godi Media be damned.
My only takeaway/advice is Question your leaders. Don't be a Bhakt.
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