When did it become so easy to give up on love, marriage, relationships. Who told us love is perfect, that the journey of it is sugar coated with smiles all day every day filled with endless blissfully happy days. Whoever it was, seriously messed up our realities. (1/5)
Now we enter relationships even marriage thinking they should be perfect. Our mindsets are ready for defend attack. "If you do this", "I will do that" what a sad state of affairs. (2/5)
Who told us love, marriage and relationships are not worth fighting for anymore, defending, celebrating or not worth believing in anymore or believing for anymore when the chips are up or down..when you in the hils or down in the boring stretches and the valleys. (3/5)
Oh you one of those who expect no tears
No arguments, no opposing views, no disappointments ...If you one of those..Shut Up and sit down. Yours will be over in a minute! (4/5)
For those commited to keeping it real
For forgiving, for loving more beyond what the other deserves. For being in it throught the bitter sweet times. The blissful ups and downs. For making your mind up that you are a TEAM and you don't quit. (5/5)
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