1/If you want to know the essential difference bt capitalism & Marxism, capitalism is equality of opportunity. Marxism is equality of outcome, & views any economic hierarchy as ~automatic exploitation. Marxism is built on pretty significant economic & psychological fallacies.
2/Marx attempted to describe social evolution (evolution of social organization), but w vast misunderstandings of actual human psychology. He slightly predated Freud. For reference, Freud brought self-reflection to mass attention but was wrong on almost all the details.
3/Using Marx as a framework for societal evolution is like using Freud for psychology, as though oral fixations were the primary way to understand yourself. It's just primitive. It was an early, & largely problematic, attempt to understand what was corrected & developed later.
4/As in, Marx was right that society in its organization develops thru history. He was wrong in how it does, & thus advocated overthrows based on severe misconclusions. Freud was right that psychology requires self-interpretation, but most of his interpretation was proven wrong.
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