Yes, my view is basic as hell. And I expect it is shared by many.

But it is worth saying *precisely because* for some inexplicable reason this is a radioactive topic.

It shouldn't be.
I don't tweet about these issues often, but I remember clearly the first time I did: I shared an article of a transwoman taking a new cocktail of drugs to breastfeed her child. I was appalled, as it was highly experimental and *we already know* some of those drugs could pass 1
...through the "breastmilk" to the baby.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid *nearly anything* that can pass through to the baby - doctor's are normally really severe about this. But for some reason in this transwoman's case, it was okay to experiment on an infant!
After posting what I thought was a commonsense view, I *immediately* received a rather unfriendly DM from the person running the Twitter account of a well-known organization I occasionally work with. I felt policed, and didn't want to put my activism at risk. So I dropped it.🤷‍♀️
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