lmaooo i cannot believe the uproar over Cuties after watching it. people are going to look back at this moment and think what the fuck was going on that this completely benign film caused people to lose their fucking minds.
the way people have been talking about Cuties, i was thinking ehh it's probably like Larry Clark's Kids...but it's not even close. Kids is a messed up movie. this isn't even on the same playing field. jesus christ.
this is someone "on the left" https://twitter.com/DontMessUSPS/status/1305047365716332544
absolutely. if my 11 year old daughter had the maturity level and talent and was cast in a well-written film like that, i would be a real piece of shit to not allow her to *act* https://twitter.com/Micronod2/status/1305055420013256705
based on our many mutual follows, i actually thought this guy was joking at first. turns out, he's not.
tweeting under the handle "cernobinch" while acting exactly like the very guy i'm mocking https://twitter.com/cernobinch/status/1305067169206599680
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