(1/n) Listened to a fabulous podcast on higher ed by @pmarca https://castbox.fm/vb/306137871  - questions many of the assumptions that we have made and challenges it faces.
(2/n) One of the things he talks about is the cartel of universities that is hampering innovation in education no new famous research university has been created in US in more than a century - is that monopolistic behaviour of existing players?
(3/n) Salaries of students who complete 8 semesters vs 7 is 2x - is that because half the learning is in the 8th semester? Since some companies like Google are doing away with the need to have a college degree - is that going to obviate the need for a degree?
(4/n) For a long time, I defended the current model by believing that the university is not about a specific degree, but you learn how to learn. Is that true any longer?
(5/n) Does the current cost structure of college education make sense when a lot of it is being done on video, and the same professor from an ivy league univ can be seen by 1000's or millions simultaneously?
(6/n) Not much has changed in college education in India over the last 30 years - it is time to reimagine. Very excited to see a new breed of univs coming up in India - Ashoka, Krea, Plaksha and others - it is our time to leapfrog and define a new generation of universities.
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