When you look at the hugs in Sheffield, you can see clearly what a brotherly/friendly hug is for H and what a hug is with someone he loves..

Hug with Ni: just one hand on Ni’s back.. not a very tight hug. Just a quick, friendly hug.
Hug with Li: both arms around Li but face away from his neck (he’s even watching Lou at this moment) Quick, friendly hug.. not very tight
The the hug with Lou: arms tight around Lou. Hand flat on Lou’s back. Pulling him into his own body. Face buried in Lou’s neck.. that smile... he felt safe, at home, happy.. holding tight, not wanting to let go but it had to be quick.
Look at the determination on H’s face.. that soft look.. those eyes.. that look isn’t friendly.. it’s a look between two people who love eachother but went through a lot of shit together.
Look at other hugs they shared.. Always tight.. arms completely around eachother and H’s face buried in Lou’s neck.. eyes closed.. you do that when you are in the arms of someone you trust, someone you love, who makes you feel safe. These are not brotherly hugs..
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