Why SUNDAY is Sunday & MONDAY a Monday #Thread
1/n Sunset to Sunrise is Hindu DayNight
DayNight=Ahoratra-अहो-रात्र (अहो-Day, रात्र-Night)
Vedic Solar Day is Divided into 24 hours as Earth Rotates ~24hrs on Axis
Each hour is Called 'Hora' from aHORAtra
Sounds Familiar with Hour ??
But there is another thing Called Muhurat
जल्दी करिए मुहूर्त , निकला जा रहा है :)
Muhurat=48 Minutes
-30 Muhurats in a Day
-So, 30x48min = 24 Hours
Yes Yes this 24 hours is also Indian Concept.
Muhurat => the Ease/Difficulty Level a particular Task can be Accomplished.
96min before Sunrise Starts BrahmMuhurat
Vedic Astrology is GeoCentric Based.
As We are on Earth, Astrological Configurations are Considered w.r.t Earth
~But Doesn’t Mean Sun Moves around Earth Actually
~It Just means How We see Planets Move over us Impacting us
~But is has HeiloCentric Model amazingly. Let See...
4/n Vedic Astrology considers 9 गृह .
Not Same as planets, but bodies/motions that have impact on Human Life and Events on Earth

SUN रवि
MOON सोम
MARS मंगल
JUPITER ब्रहस्पत
VENUS शुक्र

RAHU (Point of Crossing Ecliptic)
KETU (180deg opposite Rahu)
Refer NASA Chart of Orbital Velocity

Mercury- 47.4Km/s

Speed of Planets Around Sun is Proportional around Earth
Slowest to Fastest & Impact on Life w.r.t. Earth
Saturn-Jupiter-Mars-Sun-Venus-Mercury-Moon(Ref Earth)
Sun the Source of All Life on Earth : gets 1st Hour after First Sunrise of the Week
Name of the Week from 1st Hour Ruling Planet

Ruling Planet Means that the Specific Hour will be assisted by the good/bad properties of that Planet of Life/Activities on Earth
Our Ancestors Knew Planet Speeds
Then Each Hour is Alloted to the Next Planet in the Speed Circle for 24 hours.
25th Hour comes to be Moon (सोम) and so Monday is सोमवार
similarly : मंगलवार, बुधवार, ब्रहस्पतवार, शुक्रवार, शनिवार
8/n Now the Big Question is Why & How Englishmen Stole it.
But Before that We need to know who Pagans in Europe Were
Please Pause&Read it.
You'll be Shocked to Know PAGANS followed VEDIC Culture in EUROPE Before Christianity

This is From Christian Website
9/n Pagans Celebrated SUNDAY as Day of the Sun with huge Fanfare

Roman Churches after Taking over Native Culture declared Sunday as the Day of the Lord, when Every Christian should Gather at Church for Holy Prayers
10/n You will be Surprised to Know that Sunday Wasn’t a Holiday in India and there still is no official Notification for it

NM Lokhande, Mill Worker Union Leader Protested for 7Yrs to Demanding 1 Rest Day to Workers

British in 1890 agreed to give rest to workers on Sunday
11/n Similarly Days in a Year and Days in Months are complete Copying of Indian System
-Europeans Struggled a lot in their Calender because of poor Roman Number System.
-Lets be proud of our Culture.

Immerse yourself in this Thread for a Sunday Read https://twitter.com/RapperPandit/status/1270202374959685634?s=20
*Typo Tweet 1/n
It should be Sunrise to Sunrise https://twitter.com/RapperPandit/status/1304997463846268930?s=20
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