President Donald Trump, kicking things off here at his rally in Minden: "In 52 days from now we're going to win Nevada and we're going to win four more years in the White House and then after that we'll negotiate ... We're probably entitled to another four after that."
A minute into his speech, Trump says that Gov. Steve Sisolak didn't want him to speak tonight: "That's okay, you know, we call this a protest."
After a brief tangent about the upcoming debate, Trump returns to Sisolak: "Your governor tried to stop us, he tried to stop us, the governor of Nevada, he tried to stop us and we went to different venues." (Airport officials were the ones who said the Reno event couldn't happen)
Trump is really going on a rant here about Sisolak: "He's in control of millions of votes. Here's a guy calling venues telling them not to have the rally. Calling different venues, don't have the rally." (Sisolak's office says it had no communication w/ organizers or hosts.)
Trump, continuing on Sisolak, says that "this is the guy that we're trusting with millions of ballots, unsolicited ballots," even though the one who oversees the election is Republican Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, not Sisolak.
Trump suggests that it is not known where ballots are being sent: "Are they sending them to Democrat areas?" In Nevada, ballots are being sent to active registered voters, not just to "Democrat areas."
Trump now says that Democrats are going to "rig" the election "because that's the only way they're gonna win." He did not provide any evidence about how Democrats are rigging the election.
Trump: "I have some things in Nevada that are very good, to put violent criminals behind bars and that the future belongs to America not China." (Not sure what Nevada-specific policies he was referring to here.)
Trump, in a flashback to 2016, is now laying into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her emails. Extreme 2016 déjà vu.
Trump is now talking about his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, but it quickly turned into a riff on the lack of news coverage about it and now he's talking about how "NBC is corrupt."
Trump says he asked why they couldn't land Air Force One at Minden-Tahoe Airport; instead, he had to settle for having "the beast" behind him.
Trump says that protesters "can burn the hell out of the Strip, they can burn the hell out of Reno." A police vehicle in Las Vegas was burned, and a fire was set at city hall in Reno, but the Strip was not burned.
Trump says in Nevada "you don't have to have an authorized signature" on your mail ballot. Here's the Nevada secretary of state's "fact vs. myths" document, which says that ballots are rejected if the signatures on them do not match the signature on file:
Someone in the crowd says that defunding the police won't happen in Nevada. "Well with your governor, it could happen here too," Trump says. (I have not heard Sisolak say that he supports "defunding the police.")
Trump is now going through mentioning the various candidates and elected officials in the crowd, including congressional candidate Jim Marchant, former Attorney General Adam Laxalt and Senate Republican Leader James Settelmeyer.
Trump: "They did the heavy lockdown, just like you do it right here." Nevada's "heavy lockdown" includes open movie theaters, restaurants, salons, gyms, churches, etc. with capacity limits.
Trump, wrapping up, credits the "pioneers and prospectors, miners and cowboys, innovators and trailblazers" who braced the "mighty Hoover Dam, light up the brilliant lights of the Las Vegas strip and transformed a sprawling desert into a shining oasis."
That's a wrap on President Trump's rally at the Minden-Tahoe Airport in Minden. He'll be headed to Las Vegas for a Latino roundtable, fundraiser and a rally at Xtreme Manufacturing in Henderson tomorrow. Check out @TheNVIndy in a bit for a full story.
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