9/11 changed a lot — and led to two big wars. One tied to the Sept 11 attacks (Afghanistan), the other not at all (Iraq). On this day after, 9/12, let’s recall what a United, repeat, UNITED States of America can feel like.

And what could be possible again — if we do our part.
These photos are from my book. I took them in 2013 at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. Jason B is a friend, and a NYC Fireman and Marine. We worked together in Fallujah and Helmand.
I wrote about 9/11 from my perspective in the Netherlands, after living in NYC for 4 years.
“Let’s not fall again into divisive rhetoric that tries to redefine patriotism narrowly. Our country has been there before and at great moral cost.”
9/12/01 the country came together. On 9/4/20 we must come together again. #CountryOverParty
Chris Stewart chooses to divide. He chooses to distract. He is running a campaign based on fear. And paper-thin definitions of patriotism that are really a new form of destructive nationalism. That’s all he and Trumpists like him have. Let’s not fall for it.
My candidacy and our campaign is all about listening and finding bridges, no matter how hard it might be sometimes. #LetsGetToWork
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