a very long thread of why this picture is real;
before i even start- an account that used to post really good manips including this one, was deactivated after people started to get suspicious bc the pics looked to real,,,
first when you shade a photoshopped picture, you can see where photos have been overlayed an edited this one does not.
they all have the same tone of color which shows nothing was manipulated and it’s a true photo.
here are a few examples of when you can see the manipulated part of a photo:
this unseen of L was posted on El’s instagram story. you can clearly see his triangle tattoo has been shaded darker and his X factor “X” tattoo has a little box around it. that happens when pictures are photoshopped and put on another picture.
another example of this is when L’s E tattoo was photoshopped. There’s a very clear box around the E indicating it was another photo layed on top of L.
these pictures of L are from the beginning of this year... L sir where is ur E tattoo 🧐🧐🧐
moving on, this just an example of a manip where you can tell if you look close enough it is just truly a manip. H’s flannel was smoothed over and it was partially erased to make it look like he was really next to L
this super real looking manip was actually a pic of L and danielle. the reason it looks so real is because the person overlayed H on D. you can tell because H’s arm and “hand” are two different colors. H’s arm also looks a bit odd, proving its a manip also pls the bag😭
now if you don’t know there was an interviewer who asked H about these manips and showed him. H during the interview had to literally do a double take and to make sure he was looking at fake pics. many you can tell are manips but others not so much -
as you can see the pool picture was included. after being shown the pictures H got very visibly uncomfortable and Liam had to debunk the pics bc H couldn’t.
this is the interview. after this H was crying
aside from proof of how manips work L was seen wearing this wristband and H posted this on his insta...
fyi the wristband wasn’t photoshopped 😃
basically shows how you can’t photoshop the pressure of someone’s hands on someone’s face pls https://twitter.com/larriescompass_/status/1304939554751746049
if this was fake you would be able to see some type of discoloration or box or clear indicator it’s fake but no...
also btw it’s like impossible to photoshop hair underwater like pls-
so no matter what this photo is not a manip. it’s a real authentic photo. it could be of L and H or it’s not either way in no way is this manipulated
all i’m saying is that this photo is very difficult to debunk so pls be my guest and try to because i cannot for the life of me figure it out
literally pls someone debunk this i cant 😭
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