#TW #TriggerWarning

I am going to do a very short thread about dealing with the #SexualAssault of children - no matter who the alleged perpetrator is
1. It's almost always a person that is known to the child - this is why it's easy for the child to be silenced. The child is afraid of causing trouble in the family/ friendship circle. The perpetrator knows this and reinforces this message to the child. Believe the child
2. Believe the child

There are special centres such as Thuthuzela Centres. They have teams that are trained to deal with such matters. They have the tools to get the information out of the child

Please believe the child and refer to a Thuthuzela Centre
3. Please don't sweep the matter under the carpet.

Our families tend to do this especially if the perpetrator is an important member of the family. Please report the matter because more often than not, the perpetrator has done this before. And gotten away with it
Believe the child

Believe the child

Believe the child
#TW #TriggerWarning


Therapy is important
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