After reading thread below we took a closer look at Izzy's appearance during Saturday's protest..1/5
Something looks off with the way the *blood* is evenly distributed along top of Izzy's forehead.

On the right, an animal rights protester with fake blood. 2/5
Using Shia Ashura Festival photos for comparison, typically blood flow pattern from a cut to the top of the head shows distinct flow lines after blood exits hairline - not the even distribution we saw above.
After event Izzy posted a photo which appeared to show source of blood coming from cut at top center of her head.
However shortly her fall we see blood originates from just above right temple and the the area directly above is clean. 4/10
This photo taken immediately after Izzy's fall appears to show something stuck to the side of her head where the blood originates. Note she was wearing a hat when "struck".
Hat tip @bazyjonesy. 5/10
This clip covers Izzy's engagement with the crowd, her fall and subsequent retreat.
Notice that when she's back with her group none of her friends offer help or show any interest in investigating how serious the head injury is.
When a still bloodied Izzy gets back to her car she plays down the injury and makes no mention of stitches being required.
It's almost as if this open wound simply stopped bleeding once it ran out of blood.🤔 7/10.
This thread offers some good analysis on the provocateuring tactics of Izzy's group and
lays out some context for understanding their behaviour.
If we were to speculate on who might be motivated enough to pull a stunt like this - what kind of unscrupulous political extremist would hate the Irish Patriot movement this much?
This wouldn't be the first time a figure from the hard left would attempt a brazen act of deception to discredit Irish Patriots.

Here @GearoidMurphy_ exposes a plot involving an agent provocateur at a Patriot protest last year outside Google HQ. 10/10.
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