This thread is focused on what self actualization looks like and/or how to get there:

1: Training Your Perception Skills:

Ability to judge situations/people accurately and detect inconsistencies.

Helps to determine what is good for you and improve decision making skills.
2: Acceptance of Self:

Self-actualizing people can accept their nature, including their shortcomings and contradictions, without feeling real concern.

Cuts out anxiety and frustration from interactions with others and yourself.
3: Purpose Driven Focus:

They are more focused on problems outside themselves as opposed to personal issues (ego-centered).

They often have missions in life and tasks to fulfill that demand much of their energies.

Find Your Thing!
4: No Comfort Zones:

Self-actualization is a process, and it's a difficult one.

If you are "meant" to be a fantastic musician, you won't be satisfied with being just a decent musician or a decent leader.

Self-actualized individuals are constantly working to be their bestself
5: Deal with Psychopathology:

Part of becoming a better person means identifying and dealing with some of the least pleasant parts of yourself.

You're going to run into some defenses that you'll need to take down.
This one is my favorite bc it will help you to save so much time in life! Think about all the people/experiences we encounter that could be avoided if we have this skill
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