A thread on the far right in Ireland:
There isn't a number for the crowd who attended that event in Dublin, but there was a good few hundred people. They were there under an umbrella of denying COVID, Qanon, anti-5G, anti mask.
A journalist working with The Journal claimed 3,000 people. This is frightening. https://twitter.com/ainemcmahon/status/1304788952856039424
There was also masked groups intimidating and assaulting people. There's a picture circulating of a bloodied women after being attacked. This is a group celebrating the incident and saying 'this is war'
They also targeted the offices of The Journal, one of the countries best sources of news and sport. https://twitter.com/caulmick/status/1304794310899118083
This isn't the first time these events have happened in recent weeks/months.

The last two weekends there were protests across Munster against masks playing the same beats of Qanon, denying COVID, and anti mask.

They surrounded RTÉ studios in Cork last weekend and Dublin.
Prior to that there was a mass gathering at the Mansion House in Dublin. That saw groups attack counter protests, with people assaulted on the day. It was another anti-lockdown, anti mask, Qanon, etc gathering.
During the summer there was also a rally outside the Dail to demand the resignation of Roderick O'Gorman. The reasoning was complete misinformation. The event was promoted by the National Party, Irish Freedom Party, and various 'citizens journalists'
From one perspective there's 'citizens journalists' who pretend to be unfiltered from editorial bias. They are not. These include Gearóid Murphy and Rowan Crowft. The former promoted the Carrigaline stabbing, the latter promoting COVID misinformation. Both appear at rallies etc..
These are just two people. There are media sources which push these narratives such as Gr*pt, which had pushed these narratives. Similarly with The http://Liberal.ie . These are examples for Gr*pt attempting to link house fire to gang violence.
Before that it was Gemma O'Doherty, her live streams, and a few people outside Google giving out.

So what's changed in 2020?
The insecurity that the world has been plunged into over COVID and the uncertainty people have, they cling to conspiracy theories to try and make sense of the world. In their depths of darkness, this presents some narrative.
There's so much more to this subject. I'll tweet more on the issue in the morning if I can.

Stay safe.
Going back to points on the media, especially with Gr*pt. @artimusfoul (lovely guy and well worth a follow) has put this together.

A leader of Youth Defence , Justin Barrett, is now the leader of the NP. Niamh Uí Bhriain, another Youth Defence member, is a columnist at Gr*pt. https://twitter.com/artimusfoul/status/1305092394417827842
A video producer for the website, Ben Scallan, is a member of the Irish Freedom Party, which had candidates and members speak at multiple demonstrations previously cited in this thread, including the party’s leader Hermann Kelly and member Ben Gilroy.
While this is a circle of names, parties, and media organisations, there is a foreign influence.

This can be the influence of Qanon (save the children) or the anti-media sentiment (class beat from Trump’s play book).

There’s a more sinister edge to this too.
Take Siol ha hEireann, a group operating under the pretence of ‘Irish Food Aid’.

Their founder, Niall McConnell, was openly talking about working with Polish Nationalists at an event in Poland in November 2020, which included weapons training.
There are also links to British far right, including Jim Dowson. He is a former member of the BNP and Britain First. This is Rowan Croft (self confessed citizens journalist) and Hermann Kelly (IFP Leader) with Dowson.
And Barrett is very cosy with the European far-right. Just take a quick look at this story from The Irish Times in 2002, which also includes Youth Defence..
If you want more information on Dowson too...
Take away points:

These groups are facist. They show facist hallmarks such as blaming minorities, the media, and capitalising on public fear.

They need to be called out for what they are. There needs to be a stronger emphasis on combatting hate speech and misinformation online.
Please check your sources.

Please watch and mind your mental health.

And follow the lead of Jack Charlton and Brian Clough.
Here's some progressive podcasts I'd recommend:

@rebelmatters_ is fantastic.

@CasMudde has an excellent podcast RADIKAAL.

Today in Focus from The Guardian is fantastic and informative.
You can follow @JudgeDyl.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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