friends, lovers, and enemies! i am trans, i am nonbinary, and this it what being nonbinary means TO ME (thread):
everyone has a gender identity. most people are a man or a woman. some people have a gender identity that is neither male nor female. i am one of those people that is neither male nor female. many people have a gender *expression* that differs from their gender *identity*.
anyone’s gender expression can be masculine, feminine, androgynous, fluid - whatever they want it to be!
i use they/them and he/him pronouns interchangeably. this means, i would like both they and he pronouns used to refer to me! this could change as i spend more time discovering myself.

but for now, i like using both they/them and he/him pronouns.
i’m so grateful to have you all along this journey with me, and i hope my vulnerability and visibility can help give others the courage to be their truest selves too! 💫 #NonbinaryPride
image description:
first image: ian alexander wearing a necklace by @gayandchaotic reading “nonbinary” and brass knuckle shaped earrings by @shopfencing. makeup done by @proletariatpuss!

second image: ian alexander in the same outfit and position as before, and he is smiling!
i shortened this info into a quick one minute tiktok ~
You can follow @ianaIexander.
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