Posting some quotes from @knutsvanholm ‘s #bitcoin book “Independence Reimagined”

Unless otherwise attributed, the author is Knut

PS: it’s good ⤵️
The emperor is name and Satoshi Nakamoto has pointed it out.

@knutsvanholm , baby you have a way with words.
The One Shot Principle:

Absolute mathematical scarcity achieved by consensus in a sufficiently decentralized distributed network was a discovery rather than an invention. IT CANNOT BE ACHEIVED AGAIN by a network made up of participants aware of this discovery, since the very
thing discovered was resistance to replicatability itself.
>_ Once a draconian law, a bureaucratic institution or an infringement of your right to freedom of thought is in place, it is very hard to remove it again without an outright revolution.
When president Nixon practically legalized counterfeiting in 1971 by abandoning the gold standard entirely, he gave the US the ability to literally trade worthless green paper for real commodities and everyone on earth is still falling for it today.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

- Margaret Thatcher
>_ Once a draconian law, a bureaucratic institution or an infringement of your right to freedom of thought is in place, it is very hard to remove it again without an outright revolution.
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