As someone who has worked with a lot of kids and had to learn a lot of names, you’re going to get it wrong occasionally but you can minimise it.

A thread on tips and tricks to help with remembering and pronouncing names:
1. Ask how to pronounce names

Beforehand is good.

If you have a go, you can always ask if you’ve gotten it right.

There’s no shame in not immediately knowing how to pronounce every name on the planet.
2. Write names phonetically

If you have a paper roll, this is easier to do, but use whatever you have to hand.

Sometimes this is enough to get it to stick in your brain but, even if it’s not, it’s still a handy reference for you.
3. Tell the kids if you are bad with names

It’s the first thing I do when I have a new kid in my class. I apologise, say that I’m bad a remembering names and that they’re free to remind me at every opportunity what their name is.

This also means you are hearing how they say it.
4. Don’t be offended if someone corrects you

It’s their name! They know how to pronounce it.

Even if you think you know how to say a name, someone will come up with a unique pronunciation for their child. That’s not the kids fault.
5. Use name tags

We use stick on tags for their first day where I work. It not only reminds us what their name is but also that they’re new.

Include phonetic spellings on the tag.
6. Use the name A LOT

If the only time you’re using a name is when you mark the roll at the beginning of a class it will take long to remember the name and to pronounce it correctly, so use it throughout the lesson/day.

It may seem awkward if you’re not used to it but it works.
7. If you work with young kids, make a game of it.

I pretend I’ve forgotten a name and I say, “oh, don’t tell me, it’s Pumpkin Prunejuice.”

They’ll correct you.

Give them a quizzical look. “Are you sure? I thought it was Kitty Gigglepants.” The more ridiculous the better.
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