SCP-5000 summary you really should read it its good anYWAY HERE WE GO
Pietro Wilson is a scientist for the Foundation who narrowly survived being gunned down by his own company by getting into an Absolute Exclusion Harness. A kid who loved being a detective, he wants to find out why the Foundation is currently KILLING ALL OF HUMANITY. +
Using anomalous objects and straight up gunfire, the human race is picked off in great amounts while Wilson, disconnected from the world in his harness, acts like a ghost. He stumbles forward looking for answers, and in his travels hears a voice through the radio. +
It's described as "male, around my age I'd guess", but I interpret that as being Wilson's own voice for things later.
It says some cryptic shit and repeats numbers, stopping once Wilson turns over the radio and finds out it's busted, so it must've been in his head. +
The next few months are a blur. Wilson has absolutely no memories of what happened, he has scars and bruises from things he didn't do, and he's holding an object that /isn't round/. That is SCP-055. He has a constant permanent mission in his head, that he needs to get it to +
SCP-579 no matter the cost. 055 and 579 are both "unknown", and have no concrete description, though 579 is known to be highly dangerous. He doesn't know why he wants to do this, but if it gets him some answers, he's more than happy to comply, so he starts on his road. +
He sees strange things. Commanders stabbing their soldiers and gunning them down if they react with pain. He also sees IT. It has no name in canon, since it doesn't need one, but I call it the Collective Unconscious Invader. It's some sort of humanoid stretched across the horizon
and the Foundation is fighting it, shooting at it and its trippy void wings. Pietro finds this strange, but he doesn't know why he does. He keeps going, mental state dwindling, often having to glance at 055 so he'll get a "skip" where he doesn't have to think for a few miles.
More information. There is something else, and it's very close to humans. Ross says "That's why you hear your voice." later, referring to what happens to people who desire to know, like Pietro heard his own voice on the radio (more aptly, in his head.) +
The power of "skips" are dwindling. He feels even more shitty, and begins to doubt why he's even doing it.

Some of the things I say here are going to be out of order. Ignore it, it's not that pertinent.
He meets Dr. Bright, currently in the body of a young girl, and gets a bit of info about a project based on exploring Collective Unconscious, though there still isn't much there due to memetic agents.

Files are deleted, and Wilson reaches the site where 579 is held.
One of his legs is gouged by a monster (Blinkers, not important) but he reaches 579's containment, and it all makes sense. He's not a detective, he's the murder victim. He's going to die for someone else's story. And nobody's going to tell him what's happening.
The only way to get 055 into 579 is by jumping, which means Wilson will fall to his death. He's going to die either way, so he just goes for it. In another universe, he is found dead from falling at the bottom of 579's containment chamber along with a broken harness.
Lot of shit going on there! Who's the Collective Unconscious Invader I mentioned? ooh boy

Wilson was being brainwashed and possessed so he could save the world in that moment, so the Invader could destroy it in another moment. The voice, the "skips", the drive to understand.
The Foundation discovered something when they were mapping the Collective Unconscious. Something large, and angry. They knew it was malevolent and planning something, so they decided on destroying humanity so that maybe we could reemerge to a universe that hadn't exploded like +
a hotdog in a microwave. Hence the omnicide. That stretched-out human on the horizon was it, entering the real world. There's a few hidden messages on this page, so pay attention!
The final image on the page is pure black, with the caption "So that's how it is." Seems like nothing, but turn up the saturation and find a series of coloured pixels on the left side, seen in figure 1. Translated, it comes out to the conversation in figure 2.
In the source code of the page, in the big gap between the image and the footnotes, there's a hidden conversation that.. doesn't make much sense, but it confirms that the thing was not born from humanity, it came in, hence the invader title.
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