This video with a woman talking about getting an absentee request form with Trump's face on it has gone viral, so let me explain: A government agency did not send it out, and it is not illegal or unusual for campaigns or political parties to send them
I don't know what state she is in, but nonpartisan election officials, the one who actually run the election, did not send this. Most mail from them would have this election mail logo on it (and, obviously, wouldn't have a candidate plastered all over it)
But campaigns -- Democrats and Republicans, up and down the ballot -- also regularly send forms to supporters because they also want you to request it! You're totally fine if you fill one of these out, just make sure you send it back to your local election administrators
TLDR: Nothing to see here. And instead of RTing potential misinformation on elections, ask your local election administrator if you're confused. Or follow reporters who cover this! Some good ones: @JessicaHuseman, @srl, @grace_panetta, @markniesse (even if you're not in Georgia)
(ugh, in the very spirit of what I'm tweeting: I left out the word REQUEST in my original tweet thread. Was up for maybe two minutes, but I deleted it and rethreaded because I want to be absolutely clear here. Don't be like me, proofread your tweets folks)
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