Making a thread about this so I personally can stop talking about it.

I'm discussing the climate around mental health, victimhood, and paraphilia in "pro-ship" fandom spaces within recent months:

This is an issue largely dedicated to social media as a whole: becoming desensitized to certain groups of people you dislike. However, this is something that has been viewed as "uncharacteristic" of pro-shippers.

Talking about using mental health support as a weapon. 1/
It rubs me the wrong way when anyone uses mental health as a throwaway line. "Get therapy" and "Get better soon, /s" are some. In a climate where a lot of people cannot access proper healthcare, these things are a huge fuck you to everyone around you, not just your opponent. 2/
If you're going to engage in conversation with someone who has an obvious mental health issue, you don't have to bring up every other line in your tweet that their mental health is why they are bad. 3/
In light of "MAP" discourse, there are a few things that need to be said.

1. No one chooses to be a pedophile. Most perpetrators of CSA do not have the disorder.

2. Dumbing down the issue to "get therapy" helps no one.

3. Lack of understanding of why there is a community 4/
around destigmatizing pedophiles also helps no one.

The biggest issue with MAP individuals trying to insert into fandom, especially pro-ship, is that there is a clear disconnect between the understanding that spaces full of minors and CSA victims may rightfully feel alienated 5/
by their presence due to their own trauma, especially MAP individuals who are open and proud in their pedophilic tendencies, and that being sidelined by the group they are trying to enter is not harassment. The loss of nuance is the biggest issue we face here. 6/
There is a difference between identifying as MAP because of the social stigma around a condition one cannot will away even if they tried, and identifying out of spite with a "paraphilias vs the world" type mentality, which umbrellas other things like zoophilia and necrophilia. 7/
The issue pro-ship fandom has had with individuals like @/kidscantconsent isn't solely the label of being MAP, but the attitude and behavior that has come out from being rejected by said spaces. To deny this, you are denying nuance and reasonable logic. 8/
Blockchains are not harassment. Vaguetweets that do not insert the person of topic into the conversation are not harassment either. Mocking someone on the basis of mental health, however, is. Persons mocking Quinn for being MAP and not for engaging in bad things, are bullying. 9/
Issues fandom has had with Quinn include:
a) trying to spite critics with retaliation
b) following and being followed by minors
c) encouraging minor followers harmful behaviour
d) manipulative lying

Issues fandom should not have with Quinn:
a) she has a mental disorder 10/
There is no nuance to saying someone with an uncontrollable disorder deserves bad things done to them, in the same way saying individuals hurt by persons like the accused are not allowed to distance themselves from the crossfire. 11/
This conversation about whether or not MAPs belong conjoined in normal fandom spaces has gone sour on the pretense that anyone who does not want them in said spaces are being bullies, which is false under a narrative of victimhood. 12/
When asked about this, you get told there are hundreds of closeted MAPs in circles anyway, this policing is moot. The issue here is no one can rightfully police a space, you can only ignore certain persons until they feel dejected and remove themselves. 13/
The difference between antis and pro-shippers in light of MAP discourse is that proshippers will commit to blockchains while antis will search out their profiles to try and emotionally harass them out of said spaces. The difference of action is in the behaviour. 14/
To say we are one in the same coin is victimhood because having a group of people telling you your attitude is sour is not the same as being mobbed and told you deserve death. Anyone who pretends there is no difference here is lying out of spite and hurt. 15/
Proshippers should not be saying MAPs need therapy and that they are sick. That is obvious. The stigma and lack of resources are why they cannot get help and turn to online spaces like the rest of us. The most we should be engaging with them is with a block. 16/
That said, proshippers are not a monolith and we all act on the bare minimum belief that no one should be harassed over fictional likes. The degrees in which we have reacted to MAP discourse show that clearly. However, the lot of us understand the point of subtweeting. 17/
All of us to some degree have an underlying reason as to why we have chosen to commit large amounts of time to online hobby. To some degree, most of us struggle with some form of mental illness or rejection on the basis of marginalization which lead us to group together. 18/
I interact with adults here. I don't think I personally have to tell any of you that harassment or mockery of something someone can't control is bad. I also don't think I have to say it's terrible to tell survivors they are disgusting for protecting their mental health online 19/
Anyone can identify as what they choose. That said, anyone can reject you based on that identity. As long as proshippers are not mocking the mental health of anyone, or encouraging harassment/ harm, you have no right to tell them how to curate their own spaces. 20/
I would deeply appreciate if we could stop centering discourse on these subjects on the basis of entitlement and start talking about semantics. If you are going to block me or any of us for this stance, do it now so we can all drop it. I support everyone's right to safety. 21/
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