I’ve been waiting to write this since the spring mainly because I didn’t know who this kid was (more later) and because once I found out, I knew I should wait until football season when it meant more. This thread is about my experience as a GTA at OU and teaching @marvindmims /1
I wanna start by saying I had taught multiple players for @OU_Football and most were nice kids. Some were cocky, some were frequently absent, and most just showed zero interest in class (Government/Civics). However, in the spring of ‘20 I had a very different experience. 2/
The first time I met Marvin he was in the usual crimson Nike gear and I could tell he was on some team. I always start any semester by making sure I get in touch with the athletes to lay out their options for missed classes/exams due to their sports obligations 3/
What stuck out to me was that unlike previous semesters in which the football players would make a point of expressing their membership on the team out loud for the group, Marvin said nothing. He approached me after class to let me know he played football and 4/
was insistent that he would do anything necessary to be available for classes and exams, but would let me know well in advance if he planned on missing anything. As the semester progressed, I was surprised not by his regular attendance, but by his genuine interest and effort5/
in the topic. This was something I knew was not always of importance to many students (athlete or otherwise) and always appreciated any interest in the topic I have devoted my life to studying. It was refreshing. Then, in March, Covid hit and forced OU to go fully online. 6/
I don’t need to go into how frustrating that was for both students and teachers, or how easy it was for students to shirk responsibility to their studies when nobody really knew how to approach it. What I noticed was Marvin. Always present, always participating. Every day. 7/
Without fail. I remember his improvement with the subject matter throughout the semester and was absolutely thrilled with the progressed with his skills in research and writing. You could tell he really soaked up my words and recommendations and took it upon himself to improve 8/
After the semester ended, I remember talking with the other Poli Sci GTA’s about their experiences with some of the athletes (some really big names) and remarking how my experience was so different with Marvin. That’s when I was told who he was. 9/
One of my cohort who was from Texas and followed OU recruitment closely absolutely could not believe I had him in my class and didn’t know his name (I follow the team closely and he knew it). So, I looked him up. I saw Marvin described as possibly the best high school 10/
football player from the state of Texas in memorable history. Incomparable skills. Immeasurable talent. Simply put, Marvin Mims was THE next big thing in football. Period. Full stop. Basically, this is a long way to say I wanted to let @OU_Football know 11/
(as if they didn’t already) that this kid is incredibly special. I have had plenty of experience teaching kids who have bright futures in professional sports or careers off the field, and I can say without a doubt that Marvin is just different. His maturity, his focus, his 12/
dedication to becoming a complete, educated, informed, responsible young man that is so much more than his physical abilities is so clear and so impressive. He is humble, responsible, and is so completely representative of the values OU Athletics hopes to develop 13/
in their athletes is so ever-present in this 19yr old kid. Marvin had every reason and opportunity to make known how special he was to me and his peers. Yet, he chose to let his actions and behavior speak louder. Regardless of where his football career takes him, I know 14/
Marvin will be successful in ANYTHING he desires. I’ve seen it. I know that drive, I know that mindset. He’s got it. @LincolnRiley you’ve got a great one here. @marvindmims - I wish you all the best this year and in the future. You are a great kid and I’ll never forget having 15/
you in class. It was an honor and a pleasure. Boomer.

-Mr. K.

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