Children cannot make informed decisions to take part in age-inappropriate roles and no one else should have the right to make those decisions for them either. In Cuties, the message (against child exploitation) was negated by the method (using child exploitation). #opDeathEaters
This dialogue needs to extend far beyond one broadcaster or film. While we strongly disagree with the use of children in Cuties, it is also harmful to use 20-30 year olds depicting wildly unrealistic adult fantasies of teenage sex lives as so much of Hollywood does. #opDeathEaters
Cuties is an accurate depiction of the world children are growing up in and if the movie is unacceptable (it is) so is real life. Similar content is uploaded to Tiktok, Youtube. Instagram every day. To condemn the depiction and not the origin looks like deflection. #opDeathEaters
Limiting the discussion to one film or broadcaster is wasting a much-needed opportunity for industry-wide discussion. We propose:
1. Children are not used in age-inappropriate roles, in any context or for any purpose. Children cannot consent to exploitation. #opDeathEaters
2. Adults are not used to porttray wildly unrealistic and pornified fantasies of teen sex.
3. The dance world (as well as pageants, cheer, gymnsastics, and more) need mandated safeguards against sexualization of children. #OpDeathEaters
4. Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Pornhub and every other platform that displays this type of content are the #1 problem and should be the primary focus of public discussion. These platforms are also fueling the 'sugar daddy' industry and more. #opDeathEaters
5. It is hard to believe the good intentions of an industry that will not stop employing & awarding known child predators. No one should be faced with the choice of working for Woody Allen, Polanski et al or not working. The film industry needs to prove good faith. #opDeathEaters
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