The reality show the house guests should have really been on. Thread. #bb22
Memphis- Hell’s Kitchen
I’d love nothing more than to see Gordon Ramsey rip this crusted old asshole of a grandpa a new one. Memphis can dish it out, doubt he could take it. #bb22
Cody- Family Feud
I feel like the Califiores would love NOTHING more than clapping till their palms burned with Steve Harvey. “GOOD ANSWER PAULIE GOOD ANSWER” #bb22
Christmas- Love After Lockup
Enough said Fa la la lunatic. Enjoy prison honey. #bb22
Ian- Jeopardy
He’d kill it, Ken Jennings in the making. Keep him away from all the freaks in the house too. Him and Alex would have a good rapport. #bb22
Dani- Real Housewives
The place you go when all you can do it bitch all day. Also great for people who don’t have a job 🤡 #bb22
Kevin- Drag Race
Less Kevin, more Anita Veto. I said what I said 🤷🏼‍♀️
Nicole- What Not To Wear
This table cloth draping, rat tail of a bun woman needs PROFESSIONAL level help. The grandma/toddler crossovery needs to end and should have never started. #bb22
Enzo- Fear Factor
I’d love to see this big man follow up on the constant smack talk he delivers. All talk ZERO action. Doubt he’d last two minutes without blowing chunks or peeing his pants. Where’s my popcorn? #bb22
Tyler- The Challenge
First, he’s a comp beast so that works. Second, I want him around some SERIOUSLY unhinged people who will scream in his face and rock his world. He’s not met enough resistance. #bb22
Day- Nailed It
I don’t want any more pain for Day. I just want a show where we can watch her be herself and hear some funny one liners without all the problematic baggage attached. I’d eat her disaster dessert any day. #bb22
David- Wipeout
Sorry boo, you’re not lasting past the first night on love island. But I think you’d eat shit like a champ and be a great sport on Wipeout. #bb22.
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