Ever since I started investing in stock market

Here are the lessons have learnt from it

Hope you find value reading it.

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1. Loss and Profit

Stock Market is similar to the general world of human

There are days your portfolio will be red đź”´ [Loss]


Other days they are green 🍏[Profit]

Know and understand that you will have red days

But single day/week of green can be the change you need.
2. You don't lose until you sell

A popular saying of @CJ_Johnson17th

Fear of losing all might make you sell on red days

Little setback in life might make you think of giving up

Buy more on red days

You fail only when you stop trying

Rather than quitting put more energy
3. Don't follow the crowd

Learnt to always do the opposite of what many people are doing

When they are buying in the market position yourself to sell and

When they are selling you buy more

Law of demand and supply

Same with life find your uniqueness

Be true to yourself.
4. Investing without knowledge is gambling

Made to understand that keep your money only where you believe in

Do your research and understand before buying any stock

Same with life seek for knowledge first before taking any action

Action without knowledge often lead to a crash
5. Growth stock

Most of the companies started small before they become a global brand

Don't ever despise days of little beginning

$KO sold 25 bottles in her 1st year

Keep adding values to your life getting the knowledge

Take actions

You soon be recognized and earn Freedom
6. Dividend

There are stocks that pays dividends as a return for having a share in the company

Don't always depend on making money or doing things by yourself

Employ others who are more knowledgeable than you to do it for you

It saves your time and get you a good ROI
7. Diversified portfolio

Stocks are divided into various categories: Index, Etf, RE, Dividends etc

You also must create a diversified portfolio which is multiple streams

Don't be dependent of one source of income or business
You are just a step away from poverty with a single source of income

Create both active and passive income streams

It is said you need at least 7 streams of income to be a millionaire.
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