THREAD: Roger Stone was supposed to be in prison now, having been convicted of 7 federal crimes. But thanks to Trump, he's a free man — and can call into Alex Jones' conspiracy show. He did Thursday, and urged Trump to do a bunch of illegal things regarding the election. (1/6)
The liberal group Media Matters was the first to publicize Stone's comments, which include a slew of completely false statements about voter fraud, blatant threats of voter intimidation, and a pubic call for Trump to launch a coup if he loses. (2/6)
Among other things, Stone urged Trump to order the arrest of the Clintons, Mark Zuckerberg and Harry Reid. He urged Trump to seize all ballots in Nevada after the polls close. This is like a federal takeover of the election, which would probably violate the Constitution. (3/6)
Think this is irrelevant drivel? Think again. One of Stone's recommendations to Trump was to declare martial law or invoke the Insurrection Act after the election. Trump has ALREADY picked up on this. Look at what he said on Fox about "insurrection." (4/6)
Then there's this from Stone: "[Former DNI] Dan Coats is a moron... I'd like to go back to the personnel files to see who it is that recommended his appointment to the President." Well, it was PENCE, according to this deep-dive from @DraperRobert (5/6)
Stone mastered the "dark arts" of politics for decades & calls himself an "agent provocateur." His unethical, illegal activity has been exposed many times. The law finally caught up with him this year — if not for Trump, he would've watched this election from a prison cell. (6/6)
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